Thursday, July 1, 2010

Movie 1: Eclipse

So the Inland Taipan has the most lethal venom of any snake in the world!
Well today my best friend and I travelled to Reading Cinemas (used to be Pacific Theatres until some douche bags decided to buy it and make it this huge chain extending to San Diego...) to watch Eclipse, seeing as we wanted to chill, and we both had some interest in the movie.
The movie was pretty chill, I give it three stars (not many movies I like get four stars. I've only given it to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Pride & Prejudice) out of four.
The theater was surprisingly not very full, with only about ten seats filled when we first marched in.
The trailers were pretty dull, like Thomas the Train goes to Misty Mountain or something, and Paranormal Activity 2, and one called RED which seemed pretty awesome, considering the fact that Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis were in it. My friend and I also talked a bit about The Human Centipede, which frankly looks both stupid and very disturbing. I mean, these stupid girls are tourists in Germany and get stuck in the rain when their car breaks down, they find a house, and it turns out to be the house of some mad surgeon dude who already has one guy captive, and he wants to make the human centipede, which breathes through this one long tube that's made from mouth to anus to mouth to each person he connects. What. The. Hell. I must say that I am slightly intrigued by the outcome of the project, but I can skip all the horror drama shit.
I'm not really a fan of horror. I don't find any fun in watching it. It's all just in an attempt to scare you, and I don't really want to go through the dull process of waiting for it to be over because it's always going to have some kind of surprise ending, and people are yelling in agony all throughout, blah blah blah. It's typical to me. But hell, whatever.
I have complaints about Eclipse, just to get back on track:
Complaint #1: JASPER'S HAIR. I have no idea, but it just DOESN'T MATCH HIS FACE. I HATE IT. I WANT TO SHAVE IT OFF. AAAGH.
Complaint #2: The drama. Maaaaaaan. Jacob vs Edward was getting out of hand! They were always fighting over Bella, and she's just like "Oh help me boo hoo what do I do" and well... ugh. Plus she's kind of being a slut, going for both Jacob and Edward (oh okay I would've done the same in her position, but whatever).
Complaint #3: Just all the darn cheesiness. But hey, that has come to be expected.
Oh hold on Complaint #4: CARLISLE. The actor who plays him I mean, I don't know his name. He just seems so creepy and well... gay. Just... ugh.
After the movie my friend and I roamed over to Target, where we looked at random stuff and she picked out a t-shirt, then we went to Starbucks where I got a Doubleshot and she got a Passion fruit tea + lemonade thing, and we were walking when she told me how before she went to see Toy Story 3, a friend of hers told her that Woody dies. Upon telling me this, I started laughing with a lungful of espresso cream, and I nearly choked to death. Such a dreadful experience... okay not really, it was quite hilarious.
All right, I think I'm done for the night... and tomorrow I shall romp. >Skips away<

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