Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lupin: Harry...there's something I should tell you. I'm a werewolf. Harry: Are you fucking serious (Sirius)? Lupin: Well, yes. That too.

Oh my daaaaaammnnnnnnnnn I'm finally almost done with the geometry thing I'm doing on BYU~ I have one more test to go and one to redo because I F-ed it.
My hand smells like chlorine. I don't get it. I haven't been to a pool in so long...
Well Shark has passed on >sadface<>
On the happy side, my catnip plants are finally sprouting! >happyface<
I should get back to my Geometry stuff, but I'm mostly there... just have to check over my work so I don't have another F. UGHZ. I mean they'll accept D- but not F's. BAAAH!
Will write more once I get the chance, probably tomorrow. Depends. I might be very busy. And since SPUD I haven't really read anything. Oh the horror!
Fireworks were pretty okay. They were pretty typical, but my dad, my younger sister and I had fun. I got to run around in my new black jungle combat boots so I was pretty happy. And once again tomorrow I shall volunteer at the library! I really ought to lube up my bike...
Okay toodaloo motherfuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

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