Saturday, July 3, 2010

Doodle hum dee dum dum

Taro, Lolita, and Lux -->

This is Taro! Notice adorable belly spot! --->
Below is Rowan (left) and Sicily (right). Such wonderful girls. Sicily was rambunctious...

Below is my cat Tama. This wasn't really taken in 2004 and neither was the picture above. My camera is just wonky. Both were taken in either 2008 or 2009.

Weird day. My mom got overwhelmed over worrying and cried, then we watched a movie which made me feel strangely nostalgic about Japan, and one of my four fish (Shark) looks like he's gonna die because he's really thin and is missing his dorsal fin. I have no idea how it happened.
Okay and I found cat barf under my bed. =_= Stupid Tama. Tama is my cat. He's about 10 but rambunctiously annoying. Like now. He wants to go outside. So now he'll start pitifully meowing to be let out-- yup there he goes. Well my mom let him out so that's good. Blargh.
Speaking of pets, I also have a black and white fancy rat named Taro who's still not a year old, and an albino fancy mouse named Lolita. Lolita used to have a cage-mate named Lux, but she got killed by Taro.
Let me explain. Lux was on a wheel that I'd placed in a box (because the old cage enabled the two to escape so I had to move them into the traveling cage which is much smaller, so I bought a separated wheel and put it in the box so they could move around), but she escaped and I tried catching her but she wouldn't come, and she ended up crawling into Taro's cage, and being a male, he was territorial and well... beheaded her. It wasn't a nice thing to come home to.
Before Taro however, I used to have two female rats, Sicily and Rowan. Rowan was quiet and timid, and she always seemed weak-- she was adorable though, and possessed a kind of intelligence that I've never seen in an animal before. She died of respiratory disease, but she fought a hard battle-- I took her to the vet in July, who said that she wouldn't live long and should be euthanized, but I didn't listen and took her home, and she ended up living four months longer, looking better at times and worse at times. Her passing was really hard on me, and Sicily seceded her by a few months-- she passed in February because of a mammary tumor. I was ready when it came to Sicily's death, but it was Rowan's that was... unpredictable and very upsetting. I'd bought the two mice Lux and Lolita in December right after Christmas, so I could have company after Sicily passed. She passed on in February, and I was left feeling empty-- I had a special spot for rats in me, and having that spot gone just felt unnatural, so I asked my mom if I could get a new one-- just one this time. She agreed, and I decided to get a male. I went to Petco on April 10, two days before my birthday, and the lady handed Taro to me. She asked if I wanted to choose another one but I was fine with him-- his soft baby fur was irresistible, and his little black eyes were like gems. And so I have him now.
Tama (TAH-mah) is a domestic shorthair cat, brown tabby and white, with green-yellow eyes. He's just about 10 years old now, and his name when we first got him apparently was Ted. He is nothing like a Ted, haha. He's pretty territorial and sprays in the house because of the neighbor cats, but well, we love him because he's just so cuddly.
And I have four fish now, Shark, Sunshine, Bernard, and Hokkaido. THey all look different, but they're feeder fish. I guess Shark's time is coming soon.
Wow my day sure sounds depressing, doesn't it? On the other hand, I built a table out of cardboard and an old scanner. I like it quite a bit. It's holding up well despite being put together with just super glue (found my glue gun at last!).

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