Sunday, July 11, 2010


Time sure does fly by! I completely forgot about my wittle blog...
Went to the de Young museum yesterday where I saw Adolphe-William Bouguereau's Birth of Venus, and was completely entranced. In person, the painting is very large, and very beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful. My.
Afterwards we went to Haight Ashbury and slurged in the shops. Yeah brief, I know, but I'm on a mission. Ciao bella!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Okay yeah forget it! I'm going to rant!

I've got a Microsoft Word window open that's blank, and you know, I'm going to rant!
So I volunteer at the local library every Wednesday from 12 to 2 and then from 3:30 to 4:30. Today was pretty normal I guess, but one lady started talking to me and the conversation went like this:
Lady: So do you get high school community service hours here or something?
Me: Yeah
Lady: Do you go to the Ranch?
Me: No, I go to Tech High
Lady: Yeah is that a school for like... smarter kids?
Me: Not necessarily. It's a smaller school and kids who like a smaller school can go there and...
Lady: How many people are there?
Me: Generally around sixty students to a grade; mine has a bit less than that
Lady: Yeah I went to Rancho, and my graduating class was packed with three hundred students.
Me: WOW.
Lady: Yeah I can't imagine what it's like now... of course back then we didn't have Tech High, it was just the Ranch and a smaller school, El Camino. Is that still around?
Me: Yeah
And then pretty much the conversation stopped there and she and her kids went off (since I sit at the table for the Children's Summer Reading Book Club).
So then I had a break from 2 to 3:30, during which I listened to my mp3 player and rode around on my bike in my combat boots, arm fishnets, black leggings and black t-shirt. I went towards Safeway, but then decided to go to A&W because I had a coupon for a 99 cent root beer float. It was a bit windy and I wasn't too hot, so I decided to go biking a bit first, so I went down on this unpaved path along Copeland Creek, but then I saw people up ahead and decided I didn't want to mess with them, so I turned back and came to A&W. I chained up my bike, walked in, ordered, got my float, and sat on a rock wall nearby and ate it alone while listening to Arctic Monkeys on my mp3 player~
I then rode my bike over to a crosswalk where I saw a Mexican guy on his short bike with a little boy standing behind him, holding onto him. My guess was that they were brothers. The older, I didn't see his face, but he would have to either be my age or a bit younger. But we were all stopping at the light, and when it turned green I sped ahead, but as I stopped at the next light, I realized that they were behind me. So I waited there, and the light (after forever) turned green, and I pedaled off, and they headed towards Jack in the Box while I went towards my secret (sort of) spot by the railroad tracks and bounced on the spare tire lying there, and skipped across the tracks, looked for golf balls (it's right next to a golf course), found none, and snuck onto the golf course a bit to watch the ducks by the pond.
Then I returned to the library and took my shift for the Paws for Reading Program (which basically is a thing where little kids read to dogs... yeah, no idea, but the kids like it...) with a labrador named Mia, who either smells horrible or farts a lot.
And then I pedaled home, the end.
Rawr. Yeaaaaaaaah


I got the sequel to SPUD at the library today! It's called Spud-- The Madness Continues! So far (meaning half way through) I love it! More on it later. Yeeeee!

Lucid Dreams oh lucid dreams...

I went from liking mainstream pop, to liking alternative rock, to liking classical rock, to liking j-rock and visual kei, to liking punk rock, and now I'm in a state of indies rock. WHAT IS UP???!!!
Franz Ferdinand, "Lucid Dreams". Listened to it yet? DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Okay later, I'm going to probe my mind to figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lupin: Harry...there's something I should tell you. I'm a werewolf. Harry: Are you fucking serious (Sirius)? Lupin: Well, yes. That too.

Oh my daaaaaammnnnnnnnnn I'm finally almost done with the geometry thing I'm doing on BYU~ I have one more test to go and one to redo because I F-ed it.
My hand smells like chlorine. I don't get it. I haven't been to a pool in so long...
Well Shark has passed on >sadface<>
On the happy side, my catnip plants are finally sprouting! >happyface<
I should get back to my Geometry stuff, but I'm mostly there... just have to check over my work so I don't have another F. UGHZ. I mean they'll accept D- but not F's. BAAAH!
Will write more once I get the chance, probably tomorrow. Depends. I might be very busy. And since SPUD I haven't really read anything. Oh the horror!
Fireworks were pretty okay. They were pretty typical, but my dad, my younger sister and I had fun. I got to run around in my new black jungle combat boots so I was pretty happy. And once again tomorrow I shall volunteer at the library! I really ought to lube up my bike...
Okay toodaloo motherfuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

Monday, July 5, 2010


Okay so yesterday was kind of hectic, but earlier I was going through my file marked 'Stories' on my computer and I found the following unfinished tidbit...

1: The Episode with the Leeches

The little brown kitten skipped across the meadow, humming merrily to himself. The sun was high in the sky, making the kitten’s brown coat shine like newly made mud.

“Aaah, what a glorious day!” he said to himself.

Suddenly, a big shadow fell across the kitten. Afraid, he turned around and saw a big black tomcat.

“EEP!” the kitten yelled. “BLACKBREATH THE FOUL!”

“STOP CALLING ME THAT!” the black cat growled. “It’s Blackmagic!”

“Says who?”

Puzzled, the tomcat replied, “Says me!”

“Mmm… I don’t believe you!”

“Listen you fat, little squirt—“

“Momma! Momma!” the kitten ran away, shouting at the top of his lungs. “Momma! Blackbreath is trying to eat me!”

“I’m not a cannibal you idiot!” Blackmagic yelled as he chased the kitten. “Come back here Tootie!”

“I’m not Tootie, I’m Brownie the Brave!”

“That sounds stupider than Tootie!”

“Momma!” The kitten ran up to a fluffy, cream-colored she-cat.

“What is this ruckus?” she asked. “Blackbreath, what’s going on?”


“What? Since when?”

Frustrated, Blackmagic kicked a nearby lamp. It burned his toe, and he yowled.

“Listen, Dipsy—“


“I’m still calling you Dipsy. Listen Dipsy, Tootie here is a big pain in my crack, so will you cage him, spank him, or do SOMETHING?”

Dipsy turned to Tootie and whispered, “You’re right, he is a meany maniac.”

“I heard that!”

A sudden cloud of brown engulfed everyone.

“Oh! The stench!” Dipsy fainted.

“Momma!” Tootie went up to his mom. “Momma!” She didn’t respond. Swiftly, he pulled out her wallet and took her money.

“Hey squirt, what the schnitzel just happened?!” Blackmagic shouted.

“I don’t know!”

“You didn’t rip off another of those Tootie Toots, didya?”

“No! That was a Fatal Fart!”

“Oh jeez, those give me the willies! The collywobbles! The heebie jeebies!”

“You’re an idiot.”

“You’re too fat for your own good.”

“I’m just plump!”

“You’re a fatty—aaaaggh!”


Blackmagic groaned as something big, orange, fluffy and round bowled him over. “It’s—it’s—“

“Hawwo.” The brown cloud cleared, and next to Blackmagic sat a fat orange tom.

“Firefart…” Tootie said exasperatedly.

“What happened?” Dipsy asked. “Everything suddenly turned brown…”

“It’s okay Dipsy, I just let one rip again,” said Firefart.

“Not again…”

A little ginger cat with one white paw came running down the nearest hill. “Daddy!”

“Hey Bitey!”

“Daddy, Leafy took my thermometer and is using it for scientific experiments!” whined Bitey.

“Scientific how?”

Over in a little cavern, a little brown cat in a white lab coat and safety glasses measured some suspiciously colored liquids and scribbled down notes on a clipboard.

“Muhahahahaaaa!” she laughed maliciously. “Finally, my creation will be complete!”

“Whatcha up to?” a little gray tom cat came in, holding a pair of binoculars.

“Oh,” she coughed, “nothing, nothing. Why are you here, Smokey?”

“I wanted to ask you if you’d seen my boxer shorts. They’re Power Rangers print.”

“No, I haven’t seen them,” Leafy said, mixing a lime green liquid with a bubbling red one. There was a ring of smoke, then the mixture turned lavender. She dropped a bug in it, which sizzled and died.

“Well, can you tell me if you do?”


Smokey ran out of the little cavern, then snuck under a bush and held up the binoculars to stare at the little white she-cat who was dancing in circles.

“Oh Snowy,” Smokey said dreamily, “how I wish you could be mine… OW!” Something had kicked him in the butt. He stood up and rubbed his backside, then turned and saw Patches, his calico friend.


“You said we’d go hunting!”

“But Patches—“


“Okay…” With one last glance at Snowy, Smokey was led away by Patches, into the forest.

“What are we hunting today?” Smokey asked. “Birds? Mice? I want a fat pigeon…”

“We’re going…” Patches turned and stared at him, “…to Safeway.”

“Oooh!” Smokey said. “Where’s that?”

“Over there,” Patches pointed ahead. “Waaaaaaaaay, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that way.”

“Oh. Okay.” Smokey squinted to try and see past the trees.

“Come on, the jetpacks are ready.”


Patches led Smokey over to an oak tree, where she burrowed underneath it and brought out two miniature backpacks. She put hers on and Smokey did the same.

“Click the blue button,” said Patches.

Smokey obeyed, and suddenly, he was shooting into the sky, above the treetops.

“I’m like a bird!” he yelled.

“I’ll only fly away!” Patches yelled.

“I don’t care if I’m lonely!” Smokey shouted.

“I don’t know where my home is!” Patches said.

“And baby all I need for you to know is—“



A flying cow flew towards them, and they ducked.

“Close call, huh?” Patches laughed nervously.

“Yeah…” said Smokey, his fur on end.

They flew past trees flowering with fruits, a farm a few miles off, and a flock of geese. Smokey got hit by a gosling as he flew.

“There’s Safeway!” Patches yelled suddenly.

“Finally!” sighed Smokey with a black eye. They landed behind a big black Toyota and removed their jetpacks.

“Okay, Smokey,” Patches said, “Safeway is a No-fur store, ya hear? If they see one of us kitties taking their Pillsbury strudels, they’re gonna bring a whole mob after us, and they’ll do anything to get rid of us. Even…”

Patches paused. And paused. And paused.

“Even what?” Smokey asked.

“Even hit us with their manky brooms!”

Smokey gasped. “That’s only for strict punishments!”

“That’s what I’m sayin’,” Patches said. “Now, we need to disguise ourselves, or sneak in.”

“What are we going to disguise ourselves as?” Smokey asked. “Did you bring wigs or something?”

“No,” Patches said, stroking her chin. “I guess we’ll have to strictly be spies.” She pulled some rope and hooks out of her jetpack.

“You brought that?” Smokey asked.

“Mmhmm,” Patches said. “Listen kid, I was told to come here by Cloudy. He gave me a whole list of items to steal—“

“We’re stealing?!” Smokey said in outrage.

“Shut up twinkle-toes,” Patches said. “This list is quite large, fifty items are needed. We’ll need to somehow smuggle out a whole shopping cart filled with stuff that our Pride needs. Okay?!”

“Okay…” Smokey said. He didn’t like getting in trouble.

“All right, let’s go,” Patches said. She grabbed her pack and ran across the parking lot. Suddenly, a silver Volvo came around the bend and hit her.

“PATCHES!” Smokey yelled. He was about to run towards her when the No-fur in the Volvo got out to inspect her. Then the male took her into his car.

“Uh-oh…” Smokey said to himself. As the No-fur parked his car and went into Safeway, Smokey ran to the car and looked in. Patches was lying in the backseat.

“And they call this place ‘Safe’way…” Smokey muttered as he pawed the window. Patches looked up and undid the car lock.

“Okay,” Patches didn’t look hurt at all. “I’ve got the No-fur’s wallet. Let’s boogie!!”

She hopped out of the car and ran for the store, Smokey right behind her, looking bewildered.

“The back!” she called to Smokey as she swerved around the store. Once they were safely in the shadow of the building, Patches set her pack beneath a Dumpster and ran through the delivery room.

“Ah!” Patches breathed in as Smokey followed her. “The fresh smell of frozen cow bodies!”

“Can we just get what we need?” Smokey asked.

“Okay,” Patches said. “This place sells everything, so there are no worries about not being able to find an item. Unless they’re out of stock…”

“What’s first on the list?” Smokey asked.


“Let’s go then.”

“Look, there are worker clothes over there,” Patches pointed out. Smokey followed her to some folded clothes and watched as she put a weird sack over her head.

“How do I look?” Patches asked.


She frowned. “Well, they’re only short-term disguises anyway.”

Smokey sighed. “Fine.” He put one of the sacks on too, and followed Patches to a shopping cart.

“This will work splendidly,” she said, giggling evilly. She turned. Smokey was staring at her weirdly.

“Right, off we go!” She pushed the shopping cart into the store, all the while saying, “WHEEEEEE~!”

They found the flour quickly. Smokey was sitting in the shopping cart, checking off the list.

“Chocolate chip cookies, macaroni, diapers, towels, a spatula, Q-tips, veggie chocolate… Veggie chocolate? What the schnitzel is that?”

“It’s a spoon! Let’s go~”

Smokey and Patches rushed through the store in their disguises, getting everything on the list. Veggie chocolate turned out to be chocolate with extracts of different vegetables in it.

“Eww…” mumbled Smokey.

The list went on: potatoes, SPAM, roast turkey on a spit, Home and Garden magazine, Dr. Phil’s guide to weight loss, three copies of the newest Oprah magazine, a remote control, a bra (“What is this?” asked Smokey. “Oh that’s mine,” said Patches), three cans of bread, extra fatty olive oil, vegemite, and finally…

“’Leeches’?? Who wants leeches?” Smokey asked aloud.

“Dunno, probably Yellowstream,” shrugged Patches. “Let’s ask someone for that, I haven’t seen it anywhere.”

They walked up to a No-fur with green head-fur and gave him the list.

“Leeches eh?” he said. “That’s in the basement.”

“Wow, they have a basement!” Smokey hissed to Patches in a small voice as the man led them down some wooden steps.

“I don’t trust No-furs and their basements though…” Patches said in an undertone. “We’ll see how this fatty reacts.”

They proceeded to a crate.

“Well, here they are,” said the man. “Grab a plastic bag and dump ‘em in. I recommend you put on some gloves, and don’t get them on your arms!”

“Uh… thank you… Carl,” said Patches in a bad No-fur accent.

“You foreign?” Carl asked. Patches and Smokey nodded.

“Ah. Well, close the box when you’re done.” With that, he left.

“Okay, grab the leeches, let’s go,” Patches said urgently. “I almost blew our cover.”

“How much?” Smokey asked as he put on some rubber gloves.

“As many as you can fill in that bag,” Patches said. “Now MOVE!”

Smokey grabbed handfuls of the black leeches, which squirmed under his slippery paws.

“This is disgusting!” Smokey said.

“Well Black Pride eats them,” said Patches.

“Are you serious?!” said Smokey. “Disgusting!”

“Well they are known for being that way…”

Finally, the bag was filled, and Smokey dumped it into the shopping cart.

“Okay, that’s the last item. Now what?” he asked.

“We… get out of here,” Patches replied. “Head out the way we came! AHOY!”

They pushed the shopping cart back up the wooden steps, and zoomed across the store to get out. As they reached the outside of the store, angry shouts came from behind them.

“Cover’s blown, squirt,” said Patches. “Up, up, and away!”

Nothing happened. The cart kept rolling.

“Nice going, genius,” Smokey muttered.

“I said,” Patches growled, “Up, UP, AND AWAAAAY!

A helicopter passed overhead, and a long ladder came down.

“Hey you little thieves!” a white tom cat was looking out of the copter. “Get up! Quick! Hook the cart to this!” he threw down a hook.

Patches quickly did as she was told, then climbed up the ladder. The helicopter drove them out of the parking lot and back into their forest home.

“Thanks Cloudy!” Patches said happily. “That was a close one!”

“Well, did you get my leeches?” Leafy asked grumpily.

“Jeezuuz sista!” Patches said, “of course we did! Right Smokey?”

“Right…” Smokey was feeling queasy.

Finally, the camp was visible. And so was a very large heliport.

“When’d we buy that?” Patches asked Cloudy.

“A few minutes ago,” Cloudy said. “Arrived today. Ebay.”

“Ah…” Patches paused. “What kind of idiot bought it?”


“That’s self-explanatory.”

The helicopter landed with a jolt, then every cat crowded around to see what items Patches and Smokey had gotten them.

“Where’s my box of Q-tips?!” barked a cat known only by the name Short Temper.

So like, I SHOULD finish this... but it's a weird thing to find, you know?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lolita and Lux

Lolita and Lux in one of my old holey socks.

Lolita's full name, I should point out, is Lady Lolita Algernon Lyra Claudia. Lolita comes from the erotica book by Vladimir Nabokov, Algernon comes from the book Flowers for Algernon, Lyra comes from the character from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, and Claudia comes from the female character in Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. Lux's name is likewise as long, being Lady Lux Seraphim Dorothy Alice. Lux comes from the character from Jeffrey Eugenides' book The Virgin Suicides, Seraphim is from a character from the webcomic MegaTokyo by Fred Gallagher, Dorothy is of course from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Alice is from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
I got Lolita and Lux on December 26, 2009 in the hopes that I'd be able to forget about Rowan(my rat)'s death. I still had Sicily with me then, and I introduced them to each other briefly, but Sicily was sick and I didn't want the mice to bother her so I didn't exactly put them together ever.
The mice turned out to be very much different from mice. They did not like attention, and would rather be left alone, as well as didn't like being held-- they always bit me and it hurt.
I used to have them in the blue cage where I kept Rowan while she was sick, but they were able to get their heads through the bars, which enabled them to escape. The time both of them disappeared was pretty much hell-- I couldn't find them anywhere!
At last, one night, I saw my cat Tama disappear quickly to the bathroom. I realized he had something in his mouth, and got up and followed him quickly. It was indeed Lolita, and I quickly snatched her away from him. She had a puncture wound on her belly, and she was scared when I held her-- but when she realized it was me, she immediately calmed down and just shivered in my palm. That was my first realization that I was actually glad to have her with me. I hadn't had much fun with the mice and found them a bit of a nuisance, but that sense of relief was my first realization that I actually cared for them.
Lux was found a few days later by my mom. She had been about to throw something in the garbage when she saw her next to the can. Quickly she grabbed her and called for me, and I took her with me, glad that I'd found her. Together, I'd put them in the travel cage, which was small, but the bars were the right length apart.
Lux died on May nineteenth. She'd escaped the night before (the story is in the previous post), and I'd gone to check on Taro when I found the lower half of her body. I was horrified but picked up the body with a tissue and put it in the trash-- I just couldn't keep that around for a proper burial. The head I looked in the cage for, but I never found it.
Soon after, my sister's friend had a mouse cage she didn't need anymore so my mother brought it home for me. Happily, Lolita still resides there, spinning round and round in her purple wheel all night.
I'm thinking of getting Lolita another cage mate, but I'm unsure about it. Partially she seems happy alone, and partially I think she feels slightly lonely. I guess I'll see how things go, but if we head to Petco soon, I might just get another girl.